Monday, September 13, 2010


So obviously I have kinda abandoned the weekly lessons for now. I still refer to them when I am stuck on how to do something, but for the most part I am just playing with settings and seeing what works.

This week was a week full of babies. I had a baby shower I was getting ready for and I got to babysit my sweet little nephew on Thursday. So baby shower and baby nephew equals lots of photo opportunities! Here are a few of my favorites from the week.

First two edits I am pretty proud of. I took Kolby on a little walk to the horse farm by my parents' house and caught these two shots of him and one of the horses. The problem was I was really nervous about the horse mistaking his little figures for baby carrots, so I would step back and grab a pic really fast, then run back to the baby. As a result my settings weren't the best. Kolby is completely over-exposed. So what do we do with over-exposed pictures? Convert them to black & white!

This may be my favorite shot of any shot I have ever taken so far. Kolby was taking a nap so I used the opportunity to play with my extension tubes. That kid has amazing eye lashes, as you can see.

And a baby foot for good measure.

Here is a shot of the cupcakes I made for the baby shower. I even sculpted the little rubber duckies out of fondant. I was very proud of how they turned out. And the picture ain't bad either.

And some more horse shots:

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